Saturday 23 June 2012


Album Review: The Tallest Man On Earth (Sweden), There's No Leaving Now (Released: 11.06.2012), Label: Dead Oceans, Available on Vinyl & C.D.

 I was introduced to the work of this artist to a couple of years ago by a friend who shares similar tastes in music to myself. That was at the time of the previous album 'The Wild Hunt', and I was very impressed from the off.

'There's No Leaving Now' is the guys 3rd Album (Debut is called 'Shallow Grave'), and I feel that all I have heard of this artist impresses me. I have read elsewhere his vocal style being compared to the likes of Bob Dylan, Woody Guthrie & Pete Seeger. I would not disagree, though also feel his voice to be quite distinct in its own right. What surprises me in regard to this, and I don't feel there would be any clues in listening to his music, is that he hales from Sweden (His real name is Kristian Matsson). As well as the Albums, he has also produced 2 E.P.s. The most recent Album is self-produced and all of his work is written and performed by him (he has two guests on two of the tracks on the most recent Album). I would say that he has maintained a high quality across all of his releases and in my mind displays a singularity of vision as to how he has his releases sound and presented. All this and he has not even reached the ripe old age of 30.

His sound would probably be regarded as coming under the banner of 'fokey', and he has said that his style of guitar playing is influenced by what he heard in listening to Nick Drake.

On the most recent Album a large share of the songs sound as though they are solo-acoustic guitar, with some others having piano and electric instruments. There is a good range of tempo across the Album. The singing is stronger than the references noted above may suggest, and as with these artists he is very good with lyrics in a very economical way.

I have decided not to discuss particular tracks. In my view there is not a weak track on the Album, so it would serve little purpose to go through them one by one. Despite saying there are in my mind no weak tracks, and feeling the album to be a very pleasurable listen, I don't feel it is an 'instant classic'. Despite being so good on first listen, perhaps it will be a grower.

I would most definitely recommend the Album, except to people who can't listen to Dylan due to his voice. Although I think his voice is distinctly different, I do think it is similar enough that if you were adverse to Dylan's voice, I don't think this would do it for you.

Rating: 09/10. (Purchased on Vinyl).

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