Sunday 17 May 2015

Film Review: The Tribe (18) (Ukraine/Netherlands 2014) (Director: Miroslav Slaboshpitsky) (No Dialogue - in Ukrainian Sign Language without Subtitles), Filmhouse, Screen Three, Edinburgh, Saturday 16.05.2015, 20:35

The detail I read about this film before seeing it states that the story is told via Body Language and Ukrainian Sign Language. This sounded intriguing in itself and was the basis for my attending. The film is set in what appears to be a very poorly run residential school for people who are deaf. The characters seem to embrace a feral life and there is abuse within the setting that appears endemic. 

The film appears to very faithfully adhere to the strict requirements of 'Dogma '95'. There is a rawness and brutality to the tone throughout the film, along with a kinetic nature to much of it, which I found to strongly contribute to my experiencing a sense of entrancement. Due to having to focus so much on the visual side of what is presented, there are some scenes which I found to become too much. I was wincing and partially obscuring my view at a couple of points, which is very unusual for me. 

I would not call the film entertaining. I had a sense of it as a film to be endured. The film is by no means an easy watch and I would be vary cautious as to who I recommend to. Having said this, I feel it is only fair to also say that I am very glad I saw this, and that this is a very fresh though unusual film. This is easily the most engaging film I have seen so far this year and it has passages that I am sure will stay with me for some time to come. 

Rating: 10/10.    

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