Friday 8 March 2013

Film Review: Side By Side (15) (U.S.A. 2012) (Director: Christopher Kenneally) Friday 08.03.2013 20:45 The Filmhouse Cinema Screen Two, Edinburgh 

This is a documentary for cineists. It interviews various people professionally involved in the film industry. This includes renowned directors, cinematographers, editors, colorists, special effects workers & film and camera developers among others. It is looking at both sides of the divide between those who prefer photo-chemical film and those who have transferred affections to digital technology.

It goes far beyond just looking at the capturing of the image, to all aspects of film-making affected by the rise of the digital age, and then to the impact on projecting and then the afterthought of preservation. I felt the film was balanced and gave enough time to people presenting the views in favor of celluloid or digital, with very good use of extensive examples. The film had enough depth to be genuinely interesting without going so deep as to loose the layman such as myself.

I also greatly liked the aspect that prior to watching this, I was well aware that there were those passionate on both sides, though I did not really understand any of the arguments (I understood that celluloid became scratched over time and older film discolored, that was the extent of my knowledge). I feel as if I now have more understanding of both perspectives, though no greater sense as to whether one side of the argument is more right than the other, just that the whole process and affects of differing materials within this is very complex. It even has Keanu Reeves conducting the interviews without getting in the way - a film he has not made worse due to his participation...some feat.

Rating: 10/10 (For Cineists). 

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