Sunday 16 September 2012

Film Review: Beetlejuice (15) (U.S.A. 1988) (Director: Tim Burton), Thursday 13.09.2012, 21:00, The Cameo Cinema, Screen One, Edinburgh

It had been quite a number of years since I had seen this film and there are parts I had not remembered that well. I had always remembered this  film as having been my first proper introduction to the music of Harry Belafonte (Day-O, Jump In The Line), and had always had a soft spot for him from then. What I had not realised is that there are several other Harry Belafonte songs playing quietly in the background throughout the film.

I had also remembered this film being as being the starting point of my adolescent crush on Winona Ryder, though I had remembered her part as being less substantial than it turns out to have been. I am now also sure that it was seeing Winona Ryder vertically levitating while being possessed to have Harry Belafonte's 'Jump In Line' come out of her mouth, while doing dance moves with the ghosts of American Footballers, that sealed my crush. Even now, over twenty years after first seeing it, I find the sight of this very appealing.

The film is very over-the-top, without any sight of restraint. Gina Davis and Alec Baldwin are decent as the newly deceased, and Michael Keaton is the essence of redneck hustler as the exorciser of the living. The film has several laugh out load moments, including when a dog steps off a piece of wood to cause a car to plummet into into the water causing the couple of Gina and Alec to die, though overall the film is more weird than laugh-out-loud funny.  

I had gone to see this as had never seen at the cinema and it is a film that I feel very fond off, due to how it affected me when I was younger and first seeing it. I realise it is difficult for me to have distance from the film to try to be critical of it, due to the connections I am aware of between the film and my recollections of childhood. So I will leave the notes there...

Rating: 08/10.

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