Saturday 14 July 2012

Film Review: Total Recall (15) (USA 2012) (Director: Paul Verhoeven) Tuesday 10.07.2012 21:00, The Cameo Cinema Screen One, Edinburgh (Originally Released 1990 (18))

I saw a lot of Arnold Schwarzenegger's films when I was younger, though am aware that this is the only one, where he is playing a human and I don't look back upon it with derision. I had not seen it since my school days and was curious to go and see it, to see what I would make of it now.

I am also aware that there is a remake on its way, and I felt I would rather see the original again.

I understand it to be based upon a Phillip K. Dick story, though it has been embellished a lot. I understand that in the original story they never get to Mars, and there is no lady with three breasts.  

I found it to be like a live action cartoon, it is not possible to take any of it seriously; making the change from 18 to 15 certificate understandable. I also suspect this is why I did not look back on it with derision. When the rest of the film is as much of a joke as Arnie, it is hard to view him harshly within this context. The only other films where he does not appear stilted are the terminator films, where appropriately he plays a robot (okay, android, for anyone wishing to take issue).

It also struck me that the central characters complete amnesia about what he knew of the way in which the people living on Mars are held to ransom regarding their air supply. And his then being able to understand how to activate a livable atmosphere via a system created by 'aliens', removing the people from the clutches of the ruler of the colony, was handled without explanation. - Though then I remind myself that this is a romping chase of a film and to consider when this was originally made, I think I should not expect too much.

It was also amusing to see Sharon Stone having a practice run for what she would go on to do in Basic Instinct, which I had forgotten was by the same director.

As a bit of fluff, it still felt oddly enjoyable.

Rating: 06/10.

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