Film Review: Stations Of The Cross (15) (Germany 2014) (Director: Dietrich Bruggemann) (German, French & Latin with English Subtitles), Filmhouse, Screen Three, Edinburgh, Sunday 14.12.2014, 17:50
This is one I went to see due to the extent of critical buzz. The film shows a young follower of the Lord, within a modern-day fundamentalist Christian family, who in preparation for their Confirmation, spirals into martyrdom. The film shows what happens in defined-chapters, which have headings that emphasise the parallels to the Stations Of The Cross. Almost all of the film is made using static camera shots, which helps to focus upon the interplay between the actors.
The film has some, what I found to be, comedic moments, such as the followers mother raging against the evils of gospel and soul music. I found the film to be about the power of delusion. Some of the film had a degree of discomfort to the watching, and other elements were just sad; to see any young person self-persecuting to the degree of removing any joy from their life is not easy. I feel this is an interesting film, though I would not say it is enjoyable.
Rating: 06/10.